Urban Legend: Baozi Bun Biohazard Part 2 or Mongolian Death Meat

March 10, 2010 at 3:33 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

Another version of yesterday’s delicious legend comes from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. Taking place in the 1980’s as well, it tells of a Chinese woman named Miss Wang who drove to work in Chifeng. But, one fateful day she was in a tragic auto accident and died. Her parents were notified and they went to go oversee the memorial services.

As Miss Wang’s mother was about to push her daughter’s body into the cremation chamber she felt the cover and noticed something amiss. She felt further up and the cover pressed down all the way. She pulled the cover off to unveil a horrible sight; her daughter’s body was missing a leg! She alerted the authorities and went to speak to the crematorium owner, Mr. Lee.

Mr. Lee eventually admitted that he removed the leg but he was no longer in posession of it. He explained that his brother was a popular chef in Beijing and because of the planned economy in China (I’m pretty sure they mean “communism”) pork tickets were very limited and his bun shop was failing.

So in order to make up for the ingredients he would often ask Mr. Lee for filler meat. Mr. Lee admitted that this had been going on for seven years. The police searched the brother’s resturant and found the leg in the freezer. The resturant was a very popular eatery and even had a franchise in Chifeng.

Those who found out why the place closed where most likely very grossed out at the whole situation. But, you, dear reader, can rest calmly knowing that this legend, while based on true events, is just a legend.

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